Racial Healing Workshop: Energetic Hygiene and Sovereignty Practices

As RCC is in leadership transition, Community Call summaries will appear as brief articles collecting the call description, meeting recording (if applicable), and links to notes and additional material. Contact us if you need help locating materials or information.

Holding space for others is both beautiful and requires a lot of energy from us. For so many of us, we have been taught about physical hygiene from a young age: taking a shower, brushing our teeth, etc. We haven't always been taught about energetic hygiene and how to restore our energetic field before, during and after challenging events, holding space for others, or after hearing difficult news. Part of being able to engage in racial healing and other rewarding work that stretches and grows us is learning to connect to our body and breath, and learning how to feel agency to clear and restore our energy. RHI Program Director Brenda Salgado will share about Toltec perspectives and practices on energetic sovereignty and responsibility, and will also create space for collective wisdom and sharing in our community about how others in our network work with clearing and restoring your energy when it is needed. Come for sharing and restoration!

Notes and Audio

Follow the link below to access PDFs, audio, and additional meeting notes.

Click the image below to view the full meeting video.

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