A Path Toward Flourishing: RCC’s 2022 Year-End Review

At the Retreat Center Collaboration, we’re celebrating an abundant year of change, growth, and impact.

Throughout 2022, we:

  • Held an education series on land stewardship.

  • Hosted regular community call conversations among peers as well as a series of racial healing workshops.

  • We developed and piloted a racial healing curriculum for retreat centers, working closely with local stakeholder communities at 6 retreat centers thus far.

  • Over the summer, RCC shifted into a new governance model and established a fiscal sponsor.

  • We convened 25+ retreat center leaders for a Gathering on the Land.

  • We coordinated affinity groups and collaboration hubs for the community.

It’s been a great year!

These milestones could not have been reached without the supportive commitments of:

  • Our organizational and philanthropic partners.

  • The guidance of our Steering Committee, Stewardship Circle, and Listening Circle.

  • The collaborative efforts of our Racial Healing Initiative team and RCC staff.

  • The enthusiastic participation and initiative of community members like you.

Thank you for being a part of this journey!

RCC’s New Facebook Group

As we continue to improve our offerings, we’re launching a private Facebook group for the RCC community. This space is for you and it’s open now!

Join to share your joys and struggles, meet peers across our network, exchange ideas and opportunities, and spark collaboration.

This new Facebook group will replace the Mighty Network platform we’ve been using. RCC’s Mighty Network will close on December 31st, 2022. 


Celebrating Our Community Story


Developing RCC’s Shared Roadmap