Land Legacies Learning and Living Series
Our community of retreat centers values the power of place and space, and the transformation that’s possible when we’re in right relationship with the land and each other.
Together, we’re working to
identify collective land stewardship models
heal and transform our embodied and ancestral relationships to land
engage with concepts and expand actions toward reparations, decolonization, and BIPOC solidarity
become accountable to the land, people, and the larger ecosystem
The Land Legacies Learning and Living Series was designed to support this movement with four sessions in February and March 2022.
Amrita Bhohi
Facilitator, Emergence Magazine
Amrita Bhohi is a facilitator and educator based in West Sussex. Her work explores the philosophy and practice of spiritual ecology, offering experiences to reunite people, the living world and the sacred. In 2015 she co-founded the Spiritual Ecology Programme at St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation & Peace in London. She is currently a facilitator at Emergence Magazine, an award winning publication exploring the threads connecting ecology, culture and spirituality.
Visit Amrita’s website and Emergence Magazine.
David Outman
Executive Director, Yggdrasil Land Foundation
David Outman joined Yggdrasil in 2020 as its first executive director, bringing nearly two decades of land and community conservation, and non-profit management experience. David has worked with the Harvard Conservation Trust, protecting and stewarding land and natural resources at the community scale, and The Trustees of Reservations, a leading Massachusetts’ environmental organization and one of the first land trusts in the country. As a Community Conservation Specialist, he has led a wide range of conservation and green infrastructure projects across the spectrum of landscapes – from urban park and community garden formation, to permanent protection of critical water supply and agricultural lands.
Visit the Yggdrasil Land Foundation website.
Ian McSweeney
Director, Agrarian Trust
Ian’s career and his life’s work have been focused on the human connection to soil and food. He first worked as a social worker focused on developing and operationalizing outdoor experience-based education programs, and later founded a brokerage and consulting company to focus on prioritizing conservation, agriculture, and community within typical land development. Ian is deeply committed to bringing about innovation to evolve farmland conservation to holistically address equitable, secure, and affordable ownership and tenure arrangements, farm viability, conservation, and community resilience to ensure regenerative, diversified food production that benefits soil, human, and community health.
Visit the Agrarian Trust website.
Ramona Peters
Chairwoman, Native Lands Conservancy
Ramona is a Bear Clan member of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and lives in Mashpee on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Ramona recently worked for the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe as the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and NAGPRA (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, 1990) Director. Her work focuses on repatriation, indigenous rights, historic and cultural preservation, and many other endeavors of the Wampanoag. She also serves her tribe in a variety of capacities including as a Traditional Chief’s Councilor and a member of the Mashpee Wampanoag Woman’s Medicine Society. She is the sole proprietor of the Peters Wampanoag Consulting Company, assisting other tribes, universities, museums, archaeological service companies, historic preservation agencies, and community development organizations.
Visit the Native Lands Conservancy website.
Cassandra Ferrera
Community Catalyst Consultant
Cassandra practices real estate with deep heart and a mission to serve the evolution toward a socially just, ecologically healthy and spiritually fulfilling world. She has pioneered the field of cooperative real estate over the past decade and now regularly serves groups seeking to create a shared lifestyle.
With a deep dedication to the land and a vision for the future, Cassandra joins with her clients in their quest for a more connected lifestyle. She serves as an agent and consultant for groups as they form and find their place.
Cassandra lives with her family in the brave experiment of a land-based intentional community in west Sonoma County. She has spent the last 11 years living in two different scales and models of community and in 2016, she joined the board of the Fellowship of Intentional Communities and also began the process of co-founding CommonSpace Community Land Trust.
Visit Cassandra’s website.
Disconnection to Reconnection
Amrita Bhohi, Emergence Magazine
followed by community discussion
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
12-2pm PST / 3-5pm EST
Possibilities of Creating the Commons
David Outman, Yggdrasil Land Foundation
Ian McSweeney, Agrarian Trust
followed by community discussion
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
12-2pm PST / 3-5pm EST
Native Land Conservancy
Ramona Peters, Native Land Conservancy
followed by community discussion
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
12-2pm PST / 3-5pm EST
Co-stewarding the Story of the Land
Cassandra Ferrera, Community Catalyst
followed by community discussion
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
12-2pm PST / 3-5pm EST