Meditating in Community

“We’re in this together.”

On our Community Call on Tuesday, April 26th, we carved out some time to be, feel, and rest. Led by M. Rako Fabionar, we were given a chance to be human together, join in community, and feel into our own energies, spaces, and bodies.

Together, we made meditating on-line a communal human moment rather a private and internal exercise. Meditating in community, whether physically together or on Zoom, can be generative, enact trust in ourselves and others, and serve as a reminder to slow down, breathe, and tend to ourselves. 

We drew upon insights from different wisdom traditions to relax our nervous systems and deepen our embodied awareness of ourselves, others, and environment. Participants welcomed experiences of intention, practice, and support – a deep need for retreat center leaders who create those spaces for others.

How have you created experiences of support and intention, in-person or online?


What will it take for retreat centers to tend to the wound of racism?


Spiritual Bypassing as a Block to Retreat Center Equity