
Although we can’t break bread together these days, evidently many of us share a love for fresh-baked bread!

On today’s Community Call, we shared our recipes for building community, including a few personal traditions (Norwegian lefse and sourdough no-knead bread come to mind).

We also explored how land acknowledgements can open the door for us to more deeply consider and connect with the Indigenous communities near us. Retreat centers share a complicated history with the land and people who were here before colonization, and some have done work to address and recognize that history. American Thanksgiving can be an opportunity to explore this together as a community. Visit the Native Land website to learn more about the Indigenous communities historically connected to the land near you.

We also shared a colorful Jamboard, populating lots of sticky notes with expressions of gratitude for what’s sustaining us this season.

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Justine Johnson - Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center, RCC

Ben Scott-Brandt - RCC

More notes, visuals, and an audio recording of this session are available at the link below.


Reimagining Futures


Creating Sacred Space Virtually