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Healing and Integration with Plant Medicines at Retreat Centers

Psychedelic-assisted therapy, and the transformative inner journeys that participants embark upon, have the potential to become deeply connected to the work of retreat centers in the future. In this article, RCC Program Director Ben Scott-Brandt shares some of his observations, and invites continuing conversations within and across the RCC network as retreat centers respond to this quickly-changing field.

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The Story and the Storyteller

Abdul-Rehman Malik shares his experience facilitating story circles, encouraging retreat center leaders to weave stories of transformation, belonging, and social justice.

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Adopting Self-Organization: Notes from the Journey

While there's nothing easy about challenging culturally dominant paradigms and working together in radically different ways, the team at the Whidbey Institute has experienced self-organization through Symbiotic Enterprise as a profoundly important step into greater health.

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Organizational Transformation

Transforming an organization requires slowing down, leading from a place of vulnerability, and being willing to look at shadows. Robert Mulhall of Kripalu shares a presentation on organizational transformation, using the Theory U framework. Click to learn more and watch the video.

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