RCC Annual Retreat 2023: Restoration and Resilience

We’re excited to gather with the Retreat Center Collaboration community this October 22 - 25, at Five Oaks Centre in Ontario. At our annual retreat we’ll share delicious meals, vibrant conversations, and fireside gatherings. Surrounded by brilliant fall colors, we’ll relish the beauty of coming together and the strength of this community. We’re grateful for the ways in which our work together is deepening and growing, and we look forward to learning more from each other. We hope you’ll join us for this special retreat. 

Get the details and register for this event:

Thanks to you, the Retreat Center Collaboration is a vibrant community of leaders exchanging peer support and best practices to strengthen the work of retreat centers across the United States and Canada. Folks at the RCC retreat last summer expressed how meaningful it was to pull up a chair and share their stories face to face. We hope that you’ll join us this year as we continue to deepen our relationships with each other and among our diverse retreat center communities. 

Your questions are important, and we’re here to help. Please contact us with any comments, questions, and ideas.

Join the Discussion

Do you work at a retreat center? Would you like to connect with the RCC community for more insights and support? Find out about our upcoming events:

Join us on our next Community Call by subscribing to our mailing list:

RCC has also launched a private Facebook group for retreat center professionals to connect as peers, learn, share, collaborate, and socialize together. This space is for you and it’s open now!


Collaborative Fundraising as a Network of Retreat Centers


Racial Healing Workshop: Reconciling Trauma in the Body with Trauma in the Land