Collaborative Fundraising as a Network of Retreat Centers
On this Community Call, we discussed the Retreat Center Collaboration's role as a mutual partner with retreat centers: how establishing formal partnerships might pave a clearer path for collaborative fundraising efforts, and what RCC Program Director Ben Scott-Brandt is learning about fundraising from a broader network-weaving perspective.
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Collaborative Fundraising
RCC itself is not a funder. As a nonprofit program, RCC is seeking funding to continue the work of convening, connecting, and creating mutual benefits for our community of retreat centers.
Over the course of its development, RCC has approached funders directly, and begun to research new ways of funding projects across organizations. What we’re finding is that some funders want to work within more specific geographies, needs, or identities. RCC is exploring new possibilities for partnering with retreat centers to expand the reach of successful programming in local regions out to more retreat centers across the broader network. This approach could benefit 1) RCC as an organization, 2) retreat centers who have already developed successful programming, and 3) retreat centers who are looking to expand their programming with proven models.
Collaboration happens along a spectrum of trust, alignment, and integration. Much of RCC’s work falls into the categories of information exchange, peer support, and joint projects or programs. Collaborative fundraising as partners leans more into shared support functions. This level of work will involve deeper trust, alignment, and integration—which takes time.
RCC as a Network
It can be hard to think of ourselves as a network. We like to think of ourselves more as a community or a web of relationships, because the idea of “networking” comes with some negative connotations.
“Network” doesn’t have to be a bad word. Framing ourselves as a network for the purpose of fundraising has advantages for all of us.
The concept of a network is easier to understand for a broader scope of people. A network can extend a funder’s influence, and there are opportunities for a funder to learn more from a network. Together we can expand what’s possible.
A Collaborative Approach
So how do we approach new funders together?
Let’s start by finding common ground. Take a look at the work already in motion at RCC (below). Do you see something here your center is also working towards?
The green bubbles above indicate active RCC programs, while the cream bubbles indicate areas of development. A center might want to work with RCC on current programs, or in areas of development.
As you can see, Glowing Example Retreat Center wants to partner with RCC “Retreat Centers as Resilience Hubs” to help secure a grant for a solar array. Your center might have a different area you want to collaborate on with RCC.
Once we find a point (or points) of connection:
RCC can put together an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) to create a more formal partnership with your center, and establish shared goals.
From there, we might partner with other outside organizations to build more robust connections.
After establishing these relationships, we can reach out as a partnership to connect with new funders — funders we might not have been able to reach individually.
This kind of partnership would require trust, as well as a clarity of roles and responsibilities. Building these kinds of partnerships takes care and time, but it’s something worth working towards.
Next Steps
Every center’s capacity to collaborate will be a little different. Here are two options to support your center’s next steps:
Are you interested in learning together with peers about fundraising? Sonia Marcus, executive director at Southern Dharma Retreat Center, will be facilitating two peer-support conversations for RCC community members to learn about fundraising together this spring. All levels and abilities are welcome in this Collaboration Hub on Fundraising. Register here.
Are you interested in exploring an organizational partnership with the Retreat Center Collaboration to work on a specific project? Collaborative fundraising could bring more opportunities within reach. Contact RCC Program Director Ben Scott-Brandt to discuss your vision for a program or model that aligns with RCC’s work and may be ripe for expansion in additional regions.
Notes and Audio
Click on the button below to access PDFs, audio, and additional meeting notes.
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