Collaboration Hub: Ecojustice

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

The Retreat Center Collaboration (RCC) is inviting retreat center leaders, along with members of boards and staff, to join a collaboration hub focused on ecological and environmental justice.

We know retreat centers can be stronger by working together. Collaboration hubs allow centers to form working relationships with one another around shared values and purpose.

From the results of our recent RCC Community Survey, we’ve identified an emerging need and desire to collaborate with change agents, movement makers, and community-based organizations (50% of survey participants identified this need) while the majority of retreat centers identified ecology and sustainability as one of the important aspects of their center. We welcome you to have a deeper conversation with retreat center leaders at the intersections of eco-justice movements. 

We invite you to join this space if you and/or your retreat center….

  • Seek a commitment in 2021 to lean into being in right relationships with the earth.

  • Embrace the value of collaboration with change agents and movement makers that are loving their communities into wholeness.

  • Stay committed to collaborative processes by contributing to authentic and intentional conversation, and following through on contributing tasks.

  • Recognize that all in the Collaboration Hub have a contribution to make and gifts to share as a larger “we,” together.

As this work emerges, we’ll be listening and learning together to identify what is needed most. Here’s what we know now: 

  • We’ll meet 6 times (generally lasting 90 minutes) in early 2021.

  • Our first meeting is Tuesday, February 2nd at 1:30pm ET.

  • We’ll work together in the RCC’s Mighty Network platform — sharing resources, dialoguing, etc.

If interested, start by joining our cohort on Mighty Networks. From the main menu, select “Cohorts,” then click “Collaboration Hub: Ecojustice,” and click the blue “Join Us” button.

If you need assistance, please contact Justine Johnson at


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