Managing Risks at Retreat Centers

As RCC is in leadership transition, Community Call summaries will appear as brief articles collecting the call description, meeting recording (if applicable), and links to notes and additional material. Contact us if you need help locating materials or information.

Risk at retreat centers can take many different forms—facility maintenance, emergency preparedness, safety protocols, organizational procedures, and more. On this call, Eve Wachhaus of Adamah will frame what risk can look like at retreat centers, and dive into the exploration of one area of risk management: contracts, insurance, and legal protections. 

How do you manage risks at your retreat center? There will be time for community questions and discussion, and we invite you to bring your questions, sample contracts (with all personal or identifying information removed), and share your methods for managing risk. (Please bear in mind this will not be a forum to discuss ongoing legal entanglements—legal proceedings should always be kept confidential). Join us for a grounding and generative discussion!

About Eve Wachhaus: Eve is a foodie who loves to build hospitality systems. She is a 33-year veteran of the hospitality industry, and  has managed hospitality operations in the corporate, social and Kosher markets, with Hershey Entertainment & Resorts, Hyatt Hotels, her own catering company and food blog, and now with Adamah. In addition to all forms of hospitality operations from housekeeping to food service, Eve has been committed to housing justice, and she spent eight years leading affordable housing and disaster recovery efforts with Habitat for Humanity, and co-created Harrisburg, PA’s Long Term Disaster Recovery Committee. Currently as COO of Adamah, Eve oversees retreat operations at both Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center in Connecticut and Pearlstone in Maryland. Eve brings her expertise and her contagious optimism to Jewish Retreating for over 20,000 guests a year. In her tenure, Eve oversaw the pandemic emergency food response, opened a boutique retreat addition on campus, and facilitates Retreat Jewish, bringing operators of Jewish retreat centers together to elevate the field of Jewish retreating in America. Also, Eve makes great hummus.

Notes and Audio

Follow the link below to access audio and additional meeting notes.

Click the image below to view the full meeting video.

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