Our Stewardship Circle Welcomes a New Member

The RCC Stewardship Circle brings together diverse perspectives to steward the strategy and direction-setting for the Retreat Center Collaboration, and ensures that our work remains aligned with our core values.

In July 2023, RCC welcomed Francisco Burgos, executive director at Pendle Hill, to join this team. Francisco has been involved in the work of RCC through various community calls, retreats, and initiatives. With the support of his team at Pendle Hill, a Quaker retreat and conference center in Wallingford, Pennsylvania, Francisco conducted a compensation survey of retreat centers in 2022 and shared the report with the RCC community. We’re thrilled he has said ‘yes’ to continuing to contribute his wisdom and insight to the Stewardship Circle for the coming year. 

Francisco Burgos is the executive director at Pendle Hill and has facilitated spiritual retreats and lectio divina sessions for many audiences.  Francisco was a De La Salle Christian Brother for almost ten years, serving in Dominican Republic, Guatemala, and Costa Rica, and has been a Friend since 2004. He is a member of Harrisburg Friends Meeting and an attender of meetings including Monteverde Friends Meeting in Costa Rica and Adelphi Friends Meeting in Maryland.

The work of the Retreat Center Collaboration is guided by the Stewardship Circle and informed by the Listening Circle. We invite you to learn more about our team, or read excerpts from a special “meet and greet” community conversation held with Stewardship Circle members in October 2022.


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