Racial Healing Workshop: Seasonal Attunement, Ritual, and Food Sovereignty

As RCC is in leadership transition, Community Call summaries will appear as brief articles collecting the call description, meeting recording (if applicable), and links to notes and additional material. Contact us if you need help locating materials or information.

How do retreat centers attune to seasonal rhythms, ritual, and the land? Join Nanci Lee and Brenda Salgado for a community conversation exploring how retreat center programs—camps, sunrise ceremonies, seasonal retreats, food sovereignty and culinary farms, gatherings for planting and harvest—connect to racial healing.

What personal or organizational practice do you have that attunes to the seasons and the rhythms of the land? How do you acknowledge diverse practices and ways of being? We invite you to bring your own stories to share during this community discussion.

Notes and Audio

Follow the link below to access PDFs, audio, and additional meeting notes.

Click the image below to view the full meeting video.

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