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Sharing Spiritual Heritage: Sweat Lodges, Hush Harbors, and Retreat Centers

Our legacies include people of great wisdom, champions of justice and with immense fortitude.  People who convened in sweat lodges, hush harbors and retreat centers.  In these places they purified their spirits, nourished their souls, and conditioned their bodies for the battles ahead.  Together we remember how they too helped to build the spiritual foundation for a loving world.

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Connect + Collaborate

On this Community Call, hear an overview of the RCC’s 3-year history, and then explore introductory questions, commentary, and stories from participants around the country. These stories reveal a shared sense of grief and loss, punctuated by hope and resilience.

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Holding the Heaviness of the Moment

Today’s call with Teresa Mateus was an opportunity to spend time together holding the sacred heaviness of the moment - the pain, trauma, grief, and loss, while also noting the moments of joy and beauty that rise up in the shadow places. Watch the video to learn more.

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Sharing in Grief

On May 12th we gathered to share in our grief during this time of great disruption and change. Amidst this cloud of uncertainty are wise reflections on who we are and how we can be present in this moment. Watch the video to learn more.

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