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Healing and Integration with Plant Medicines at Retreat Centers

Psychedelic-assisted therapy, and the transformative inner journeys that participants embark upon, have the potential to become deeply connected to the work of retreat centers in the future. In this article, RCC Program Director Ben Scott-Brandt shares some of his observations, and invites continuing conversations within and across the RCC network as retreat centers respond to this quickly-changing field.

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Innovative Practices and Your Center

On our community call August 9th, we heard from retreat-adjacent initiatives, folks imagining new centers, and peers who are innovating how they offer retreat. Check out the highlights!

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Hosting the Edges: Kinship, Retreat, and Lineage

Retreats always involve movement: Physical, cultural, psychospiritual, and political. Some of the most potent retreat experiences are the ones that bring us to the edge of our comfort zones. From the edges, the margins, we reflect upon who we are and begin to imagine who we might become.

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