Why Racial Healing?

Kicking off a Racial Healing series, through the support of Kellogg Foundation for the RCC’s Racial Healing Intiative (RHI), Arleen Peterson and Rachel Plattus invited the RCC community to continue the journey of racial healing through story circles.

Racial healing is a process that restores individuals and communities to wholeness, repairs the damage caused by racism and transforms societal structures to affirm the inherent value of all people. This process makes it possible to acknowledge and speak the truth about past wrongs created by individual and systemic racism and to address present-day consequences for people, communities and institutions.

Racial healing is vital for retreat centers, as it helps affirm the inherent value of all people in organizations and communities and cultivates a sense of belonging that can advance racial equity and inclusion. As space holders, retreat center staff can continue to build relationships, develop trust, and authentically cultivate inclusion.

As one participant shared, “Telling stories is a way for reaching for social healing at an individual level, letting the story just come up, it’ll be the right story, we can find commonality and see that new questions are arising for each of us.”

Click the image above to watch the video recording.

Click below to see the content, story circle model, and prompts, or to listen to the audio recording.


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