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Racial Healing Workshop: How to Facilitate Affinity Groups at Retreat Centers

Call begins at 2pm Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Our Community Calls provide peer support, discussion forums and guest workshops for retreat center leaders. To attend Community Calls, please Sign Up.

Facilitators: Amy Burtaine, Michelle C. Johnson

Topic: Racial Healing Workshop: How to Facilitate Affinity Groups at Retreat Centers

Amy Burtaine is an equity trainer with over 20 years of experience leading training, workshops and facilitated dialogues on equity, inclusion and social justice. She works with trainers, organizers and community and institutional leaders across the U.S. to educate, activate, and promote organizational change. Amy is committed to exploring how power and systems of oppression have kept us from organizing for justice and engaging in the work of collective liberation. She is the co-author of The Facilitator's Guide For White Affinity Groups. Learn more at

Michelle Cassandra Johnson is an activist, social justice warrior, author, anti-racism consultant and trainer, intuitive healer, and yoga teacher and practitioner. She has led dismantling racism work in many settings for over two decades and has a background and two decades of practice as a clinical social worker. Michelle’s work centers on healing from individual and collective trauma, coming back into wholeness and aligning the mind, body, spirit, and heart. Learn more at

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