COVID-19 Policies

Our weekly Community Calls provide peer support, discussion forums and guest workshops for retreat center leaders and allied organizations. Keep checking back for more of these videos here in our blog.

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Mark’s title for this conversation set the tone for our discussion: “Retreat Center Best Practices: Integrity of Word & Deed Within the Coronavirus Pandemic.”

We’re grateful to Mark for leading this call. It was a rich conversation on integrity and responsibility in caring for our spaces, staff, guests, and community. Policies shape and guide the relationships within our spaces; how can we ensure these relationships are structured with integrity in word and deed, caring for all of our safety as we navigate a global pandemic?

Some centers are already opening or planning to reopen in the coming weeks. How will they keep staff/guests safe, and how will they address infection onsite when it happens? In breakout groups, many centers shared updates on their current work and concerns. At the end of the call, we discussed as a larger group the key issues capturing our attention.

Notes and audio recording from this conversation are also available at the link below.


Mark Piper, The Cenacle Retreat and Conference Center

Justine Johnson, Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center, RCC

Ben Scott-Brandt, RCC


Holding the Heaviness of the Moment


Sharing in Grief