Reopening Retreat Centers #2

Our weekly Community Calls provide peer support, discussion forums and guest workshops for retreat center leaders and allied organizations. Keep checking back for more of these videos here in our blog.

Just click the picture above to watch the video.

We invited call participants to share their most impactful learning related to reopening physical spaces, justice, equity, and inclusion work, and shifting online programming.

Joannie Kwok opened up the session with a spotlight on the work of Naramata Centre in the past few months, as they expanded their online presence, designed an All-Access Pass for individuals and organizations, began to hold in-person embodied practice sessions in their physical space, and explored the sustainability of their fee scales.

In Breakout Rooms we discussed several topics in the same small groups, going a little deeper with each discussion.

Our conversations surfaced two distinct outcomes: 1) many of us share a desire for racial justice training for retreat centers, possibly developed and attended collaboratively, and 2) a few participants identified a need for regional communities of retreat centers to face location-based challenges together.

More notes and an audio recording of this session are available at the link below.


Justine Johnson, Associate Director, Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center

Joannie Kwok, Program Manager, Naramata Centre


Creative Resourcing


Digital Messaging and Creative Storytelling