Creative Resourcing

Our weekly Community Calls provide peer support, discussion forums and guest workshops for retreat center leaders and allied organizations. Keep checking back for more of these videos here in our blog.

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What does volunteer engagement success look like during COVID?

Are there safe ways to bring community together around your center’s mission?

This call featured Marta from Whidbey Institute, and folks from over 20 retreat centers and allied organizations across the continent. Volunteers may feel isolated at home or with family during COVID. How can they contribute their time to your retreat center virtually? Consider inviting volunteers to participate in letter-writing, social media posting and sharing, managing the bookstore, or caring for the plants and garden at your center. If well-designed, there are places where volunteers can safely and responsibly contribute.

During the pandemic, each retreat center is finding their own revenue solutions, from live-streaming on Facebook and YouTube, to developing sliding-scale fees or contribution-based virtual offerings. We’re grateful that these centers are sharing both their successes and their difficulties; together we’re helping to strengthen the entire sector.

More notes and an audio recording of this session are available at the link below.


Justine Johnson, Associate Director, Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center

Marta Mulholland, Volunteer Engagement, The Whidbey Institute


Scenario Thinking


Reopening Retreat Centers #2