Open Space
This open space Community Call provided an opportunity for participants to explore resilience and successful program stories, among other topics.
Retreat Programming
On this community call, participants dove into a peer-support discussion about the latest trends in retreat programming.
Onsite, Online, and Hybrid, Oh My!
Join leaders from across the country as they share their hybrid program designs, stories of challenges and success, and tips for design and implementation on this Community Call. Highlights from the presentations and Q&A are captured in our notes.
Emerging Topics: Fundraising and Programming
We chose two emerging topics for our discussion this week, and spent time in small group discussions together with our hosts, Justine Johnson and Maureen Connors. Click to learn more and watch the video.
Creating Sacred Space Virtually
Michelle Scheidt and Xiaoan Li of the Fetzer Institute share outcomes from their new research on creating sacred space virtually, offering us some best practices while also inviting RCC participants to share ideas and learn from each other. Click to watch the video.
Creative Resourcing
As online programming expands retreat center audiences into new geographies, how can we support a community-building process? How have justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion been a part of our personal and professional work? And what about opening our physical spaces? Click to learn more and watch the video.
Reopening Retreat Centers #2
As online programming expands retreat center audiences into new geographies, how can we support a community-building process? How have justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion been a part of our personal and professional work? And what about opening our physical spaces? Click to learn more and watch the video.