community call Erin McAuley community call Erin McAuley

Addressing Common Hospitality Obstacles

On this call, the RCC Stewardship Circle member Kirstin Vander-Giessen Reitsma led a community discussion about hospitality. Participants pooled their collective wisdom to expand their thinking about the meaning of hospitality and how to address hospitality-related challenges.

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community call Erin McAuley community call Erin McAuley

Crafting Your Center’s Online Presence

The RCC Community Call on June 27th featured a discussion with Editorial Director John Ferro and Chief Digital Content Officer Racquel “Rockie” Joseph of the Omega Institute, where we explored ideas, best practices, and the benefits of crafting your center's online presence.

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Guest User Guest User

Beyond Scholarship: Inclusive Hospitality and Belonging

What are retreat centers doing - beyond scholarship - to build a sense of belonging for BIPOC people? This question is a helpful guide for centers to compare notes on their options, actions, and agency in continuing to move toward right relationship and repair.

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Guest User Guest User

Hosting the Edges: Kinship, Retreat, and Lineage

Retreats always involve movement: Physical, cultural, psychospiritual, and political. Some of the most potent retreat experiences are the ones that bring us to the edge of our comfort zones. From the edges, the margins, we reflect upon who we are and begin to imagine who we might become.

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