An Update: Retreat Centers During Pandemic
The Retreat Center Collaboration received its first formal press this week in the National Catholic Reporter, thanks to this great article written by our colleague, Mark Piper.
The Rope to the Barn
Sally and Jean held space for a Circle of Trust on today’s call, asking “what sustains us, as our centers sustain others?” Poetry, breakout groups, reflective journaling — all in one call. Watch the video to learn more.
Holding the Heaviness of the Moment
Today’s call with Teresa Mateus was an opportunity to spend time together holding the sacred heaviness of the moment - the pain, trauma, grief, and loss, while also noting the moments of joy and beauty that rise up in the shadow places. Watch the video to learn more.
COVID-19 Policies
On May 19th, Mark Piper led a rich conversation on integrity and responsibility in caring for our spaces, staff, guests, and communities. Some centers are already opening or planning to reopen in the coming weeks. How will they keep staff/guests safe, and how will they address infection onsite when it happens? Watch the video to learn more.
Sharing in Grief
On May 12th we gathered to share in our grief during this time of great disruption and change. Amidst this cloud of uncertainty are wise reflections on who we are and how we can be present in this moment. Watch the video to learn more.
Local Community Partnerships
Kirstin Vander Giessen-Reitsma leads a conversation on community partnerships, with guest Michael Shewburg of Five Oaks Centre. How can centers connect with their local communities to serve in new ways during this pandemic, while still honoring their missions? Watch the video to learn more.
Planning Ahead
This recorded conversation with Caesar Djavaherian, MD, allowed us to voice our questions and concerns as we look toward a healthy future of retreat work in our communities -- and what that might require of us. Watch the video to learn more.
Navigating Temporary Closures
In this recorded community call, we continued a conversation sparked by Brooke Lehman at Watershed Center, exploring our various temporary closure situations, our shared concerns, the opportunities before us, and our plans for re-entry into retreat spaces. Watch the video to learn more.