Call begins at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
Please contact RCC Admin Assistant Erin to get more information and attend this conversation.
Moderators: Jamie Deering, Leslie Wright
Topic: Discovering the Assets Among Us
On this call, we will be collaboratively exploring the assets in our group. Your assets might include:
Skills you have (e.g., graphic design)
Knowledge you want to share (e.g., how to develop a contract)
Networks you participate in (e.g., other groups that may benefit from connection with the RCC Midwest Region, and vice versa)
Other strengths you bring to the table (e.g., enthusiasm!)
Come to this collaborative time prepared to share your input as we explore these focal questions together:
What assets do you have that you or your team would enjoy sharing with others? (What would you like to do more of?)
What are three unmet expertise needs of your retreat center?
We believe our sustainable future is our network with each other. Let's discover how we can help each other flourish.
The Midwest Region Affinity Group meets quarterly and is for any retreat centers located in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.