Midwest Region Affinity Group: Creating and Cross-Promoting Together
Call begins at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Please contact RCC Admin Assistant Erin to get more information and attend this conversation.
Facilitator: Midwest Region Volunteers
Topic: Creating and Cross-Promoting Together
The Midwest Region Affinity Group meets quarterly and is for any retreat centers located in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.

RCC Midwest Regional Retreat
The RCC Midwest Region Affinity Group is excited to announce a retreat August 12 - 14, 2024, at Siena Retreat Center in Racine, Wisconsin.
The Midwest Region Affinity Group meets quarterly and is for any retreat centers located in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. We believe collaborative opportunities come out of being in person together, and our sustainable future is our network with each other. This event is an opportunity for retreat centers in the Midwest to build strong relationships, experience rest and renewal, and explore our opportunities to work together. We hope you'll join us.
To support emerging regional connections within the Retreat Center Collaboration community, Siena is generously offering a registration fee of $110 per person. (The rate stays the same for each person registered, and there is no cap on how many staff members may attend from each retreat center.) Future gatherings will likely cost more—this is a rate to encourage participation from across the region at our second gathering of this kind.
Siena will be coordinating all registration for this event, and the registration fee will cover meals and lodging for two nights. Each person will have their own bedroom with private bathroom (shower) in their room. Explore Siena's amenities by clicking on this link.
Please note: Children under 18 are not allowed at the Siena Retreat Center.
If you have questions about registration, amenities, or would like to extend your stay, please call the Siena registrar at (262) 898-2582.
Join us to meet your peers, learn from one another, and enjoy time away from Zoom.
***Registration is now closed***

Midwest Region Affinity Group: Discovering the Assets Among Us
Call begins at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
Please contact RCC Admin Assistant Erin to get more information and attend this conversation.
Moderators: Jamie Deering, Leslie Wright
Topic: Discovering the Assets Among Us
On this call, we will be collaboratively exploring the assets in our group. Your assets might include:
Skills you have (e.g., graphic design)
Knowledge you want to share (e.g., how to develop a contract)
Networks you participate in (e.g., other groups that may benefit from connection with the RCC Midwest Region, and vice versa)
Other strengths you bring to the table (e.g., enthusiasm!)
Come to this collaborative time prepared to share your input as we explore these focal questions together:
What assets do you have that you or your team would enjoy sharing with others? (What would you like to do more of?)
What are three unmet expertise needs of your retreat center?
We believe our sustainable future is our network with each other. Let's discover how we can help each other flourish.
The Midwest Region Affinity Group meets quarterly and is for any retreat centers located in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.

Midwest Region Affinity Group: Choosing Collaborations That Work
Call begins at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Please contact Ben Scott-Brandt to get more information and attend this conversation.
Facilitator: Leslie Wright
Topic: Choosing Collaborations That Work
Nonprofits talk about collaboration with great frequency. Funders often ask for it. And collaboration may become necessary for many of us to sustain our operations and impact. Most of us can tell at least one experience with a “collaboration” that was disappointing or even damaging. Collaboration can lead to transformative results but it will take work and good ones almost always involve some risk to participants. So how do you decide if you and your organization will take the plunge? Join us to explore some of the indicators of a worthy collaboration. We will also share some tools to help guide your decision-making.
The Midwest Region Affinity Group meets quarterly and is for any retreat centers located in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.

Affinity Group: Midwest Centers
Call begins at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Please contact Ben Scott-Brandt to get more information and attend this conversation.
Facilitator: Leslie Wright
Topic: Maintaining Operations During Extreme Weather
Retreat Centers face multiple challenges during extreme weather. How do we care for staff, guests, and program participants and how do we insure the continuity of operations for our facilities? There are three critical steps: assessing the risks, identifying the most critical activities, and creating a plan—before it happens. Join us as we begin the conversation that will help us all be more resilient in the face of increasing numbers of extreme weather events.
The Midwest Centers Affinity Group meets quarterly and is for any retreat centers located in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.

Affinity Group: Midwest Centers
Call begins at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
Please contact Ben Scott-Brandt to get more information and attend this conversation.
Facilitators: Paul Mach, Leslie Wright, Jean Sullivan
Topic: Telling Guests the Story of Our Value
The Midwest Centers Affinity Group meets quarterly and is for any retreat centers located in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.
We’ll be asking for your input about how you tell potential guests the story of your center's value. How do you communicate with the public about who you are, the services you offer, and why guests should choose your center for retreat? What language do you use—and is it effective? What makes Midwest destinations unique? Bring your marketing and program materials. Together we’ll identify ways to help Midwest centers stand out!

Affinity Group: Midwest Centers In-Person Gathering
The RCC Midwest Centers affinity group is excited to announce an in-person gathering August 15 - 17, 2023, at Lindenwood Retreat and Conference Center in Plymouth, Indiana. We hope you'll join us.
The Midwest Centers Affinity Group meets quarterly and is for any retreat centers located in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.
Group facilitators Paul Mach, Leslie Wright, and Jean Sullivan believe collaborative opportunities come out of being in person together, and our sustainable future is our network with each other. This in-person event is an opportunity for retreat centers in the Midwest to build strong relationships, experience rest and renewal, and explore our opportunities to work together.
To support emerging regional connections within the Retreat Center Collaboration community, Lindenwood is generously offering space at a reduced registration fee of $75 per person, total. Future gatherings will likely cost more—this is an introductory rate to encourage participation from across the region at our first gathering of this kind.
Lindenwood will be coordinating all registration for this event, and the registration fee will cover meals and lodging for two nights. Registration is limited to 3 people per organization, to be able to accommodate as many organizations as possible. Join us to meet your peers, learn from one another, and enjoy time away from Zoom.
** Registration is now closed **

Affinity Group: Midwest Centers
Call begins at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
Please contact Ben Scott-Brandt to get more information and attend this conversation.
Facilitators: Paul Mach, Leslie Wright, Jean Sullivan
Topics: Linking Our Work to Proven Benefits
The Midwest Centers Affinity Group meets quarterly and is for any retreat centers located in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.
At this meeting, we’ll be asking for your input about linking retreat center work to proven benefits. Have you found research related to the benefits of retreat? Bring the document(s) your center uses. Together we’ll identify key data points that centers across the region can use to communicate their value.

Affinity Group: Midwest Centers
Call begins at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Please contact Ben Scott-Brandt to get more information and attend this conversation.
Facilitators: Paul Mach, Leslie Wright, Jean Sullivan
Topic: Assets and Barriers to Collaboration
In this conversation, we’ll be asking for you to share what you see as the assets and barriers to collaboration among this community of peers at Midwest Centers. Together we’ll identify what opportunities we see ahead of us: to experiment, cost share, share staff roles, and expand our outreach. Please bring your comments and ideas to this collaborative space.
The Midwest Centers Affinity Group meets quarterly and is for any retreat center located in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.